Monday, October 26, 2009

Artichoke recipe #2

2 medium artichokes
2 Tbsp lemon juice
2 medium onions, sliced thick
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp Italian herb seasoning
2 medium tomatoes, sliced
6 ounces mozzarella cheese, sliced or shredded

Bend back outer petals of each artichoke until they snap off easily near base. Edible portion of petals should remain on artichoke bottom. Continue to snap off and discard thick petals until central core of pale green petals is reached. Trim brown end of stem and cut off top 2 inches of artichokes-discard. Pare outer dark green surface layer from artichoke bottoms. Cut out center petals and fuzzy centers. Slice artichoke bottoms about ¼ inch thick. Toss with lemon juice to prevent discoloration; set aside. Saute’ onions in olive oil 5-8 minutes or until tender. Spoon evening into 2-quart baking dish. Sprinkle with Italian herb seasoning. Arrange tomato slices, artichoke slices, and cheese slices on onions, overlapping slightly in center of the dish. Cover dish with lid or foil. Bake at 375 degrees for 40 minutes.

Makes 4 servings.
Calories: 203
Fat: 13.7 gm
Carbohydrate: 15.9 gm
Protein: 12.6 gm


1 comment:

Jan DeBates said...

I wanted to share the saying with everyone as I found it in my notes from when I started changing your wieghs. It is so true. Jan DeBates

"If your lifestyle does not control your body, your body will eventually control your lifestyle!"